
Trading Design . Trading Ideas .

DesignTide Tokyo started this past Friday, October 29! 
The event has been hosting presentations by designers everyday. Participants have the chance to learn and listen to the designers.  There will also be art exhibits and much more.

What to look for? Here are some tid bits of design joy:

via DesignTide Tokyo
1) Kwangho LEE: He knits chords. Actually, the South Korean artist transforms everyday-life materials into something entirely new using his own hands. It has been said that, ¨His transformed objects possessed impeccable beauty.¨ 

via DesignTide Tokyo
2) Makoto Orisaki: Japanese designer of the or-ita, an innovative cardboard cutter, will be attending again this year. Orisaki shares, ¨There should be the possibility to improve culture and the standard of living for people. It´s not enough now just to put priority on efficiency... I want to make this world a bit more fun and beautiful with tiny moments.¨

via DesignTide Tokyo
3) Yuri Suzuki: His works are connected to various disciplines, including technology, art, and design. ¨Every designer is different and each has his or her own personality... The word design originally means to think, plan and suggest a new way of life.¨

Japanese design is highly respected, known for minimalism 
& beautiful creations. 

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